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New Jersey Academy of Science

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NJAS Judges Information

The 67THNJAS annual meeting will be celebrated in a virtual format this year 2022.  We will need the assistance of our elite scientific community around the state of New Jersey to serve as judges at our event. It is our hope we can count on you to help evaluate the amazing work of our participants. High school students compete in the Junior Division and College, Master’s & Doctoral level students in the Senior Division. Awards are given for outstanding presentations. Science & Math & Technology professionals are asked to volunteer as judges in any of the following fields: 

Environmental Science / Ecology

Cell or Molecular Biology

Health / Medicine

Chemistry / Biochemistry

Physics / Engineering

Mathematics/Computational Science

Psychology / Animal Behavior



Marine Science

Science or Math Education

Earth Science / Geology / Meteorology

Topical Reviews

This year NJAS judges Process and Due dates:

  1. Interested judges must fill the form to be considered as NJAS judge by April 4, 2022

  2. Judges will be informed of their category and how many abstract/videos they will review by April 15, 2022. 

  3. Judges are kindly asked to finalize the presentation reviews and rankings by May 6, 2022

  4. Judges will be invited to attend the Live Award Ceremony on May 14, 2022

NJAS Judges Guidelines:

  1. Judges must follow the rubric and give final score per presentation to Junior or Senior Academy leader  during the lunch break on 5/14/22
  2. Judges must select top 3 winners only
  3. Judges will communicate with presenters during the live presentations.

For any questions you may have please email the following: For Junior Academy - Ms. West at bblackman86@gmail.com or Ms. Ariel Valverde at njas.gia@gmail.com . For Senior Academy - Dr. Berki at aberki@caldwell.edu .Full meeting agenda TBA.

NJAS Judge form 

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